15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  July 21-26 2002     Lyon     France  

ECAI-2002 Conference Paper

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Mining maximal frequent itemsets by a boolean approach

Ansaf Salleb, Zahir Maazouzi, Christel Vrain

We propose a new boolean based approach for mining frequent patterns in large transactional data sets. A data set is viewed as a truth table with an output boolean function. The value of this function is set to one if the corresponding transaction exists in the data set, zero otherwise. The output function represents a condensed form of all the transactions in the data set and is represented by an efficient compact data structure. It is then explored with a depth first strategy to mine maximal frequent itemsets. We have developed a prototype, and first experiments have shown that it is possible to rely on a condensed representation based on boolean functions to mine frequent itemsets from large databases.

Keywords: Maximal Frequent Itemsets, Association Rules, Data Mining, Boolean Algebra,, Binary Decision Diagrams.

Citation: Ansaf Salleb, Zahir Maazouzi, Christel Vrain: Mining maximal frequent itemsets by a boolean approach. In F. van Harmelen (ed.): ECAI2002, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2002, pp.385-389.

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ECAI-2002 is organised by the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI) and hosted by the Université Claude Bernard and INSA, Lyon, on behalf of Association Française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle.