Ontology began life in ancient times as a fundamental part of philosophical enquiry concerned with the analysis and categorisation of what exists. In recent years, the subject has taken a practical turn with the advent of complex computerised information systems which are reliant on robust and coherent representations of their subject matter. The systematisation and elaboration of such representations and their associated reasoning techniques constitute the modern discipline of formal ontology, which is now being applied to such diverse domains as artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, bioinformatics, GIS, knowledge engineering, information retrieval and the Semantic Web. Researchers in all these areas are becoming increasingly aware of the need for serious engagement with ontology, understood as a general theory of the types of entities and relations making up their respective domains of enquiry, to provide a solid foundation for their work. The conference series Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS) provides a meeting point for researchers from these and other disciplines with an interest in formal ontology, where both theoretical issues and concrete applications can be explored in a spirit of genuine interdisciplinarity. This volume contains the proceedings of the sixth FOIS conference, held in Toronto, Canada, during 11–14 May 2010, including invited talks by Francis Jeffry Pelletier, John Bateman, and Alan Rector and the 28 peer-reviewed submissions selected for presentation at the conference, ranging from foundational issues to more application-oriented topics.
Formal Ontology in Information Systems
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference (FOIS 2010)
Volume 209 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Edited by: A. Galton and R. Mizoguchi
May 2010, 444 pp., hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-60750-534-1
Table of Content
Invited Talks
Ontological Lessons from the Semantics of Mass and Count Nouns / F.J. Pelletier
Ontological Diversity: The Case from Space / J.A. Bateman
Knowledge Driven Software and “Fractal Tailoring”: Ontologies in Development Environments for Clinical Systems / A. Rector
Fundamentals Foundations for an Ontology of Environment and Habitat / B. Bennett
Towards Ontological Correctness of Part-Whole Relations with Dependent Types / R. Dapoigny and P. Barlatier
Goals in a Formal Theory of Commonsense Psychology / J.R. Hobbs and A. Gordon
Revisiting the Ontological Square / L. Schneider
Quality and Quantity
Founding Properties on Measurement / C. Masolo
On the Representation of Quantities and Their Parts in Conceptual Modeling / G. Guizzardi
Affordances as Qualities / J. Ortmann and W. Kuhn
Constructing Bodies and Their Qualities from Observations / S. Scheider, F. Probst and K. Janowicz
Applications I
On Building an Index Advisor for Semantic Web Queries / L. Stanchev and G. Weddell
A Categorization of KR&R Methods for Requirement Analysis of a Query Answering Knowledge Base / V.K. Chaudhri, B. Bredeweg, R. Fikes, S. McIlraith and M.P. Wellman
The Use of Ontology in Dental Restorative Treatment Decision Support System / S. Gyu Park, S. Lee, M.-K. Kim and H.-Gee Kim
Ontology Building
A Core Ontology of Instruments Used for Neurological, Behavioral and Cognitive Assessments / B. Batrancourt, M. Dojat, B. Gibaud and G. Kassel
A Process-Centric Ontological Approach for Integrating Geo-Sensor Data / A. Devaraju and W. Kuhn
A Well-Founded Software Measurement Ontology / M. Perini Barcellos, R. De Almeida Falbo and R. Dal Moro
SCOPE: A Situation Calculus Ontology of Petri Nets / X. Tan
Biomedical and Chemical Ontologies I
Foundational Process Relations in Bio-Ontologies / A. Özgövde and M. Grüninger
What are Chemical Structures and Their Relations? / J. Hastings, C. Batchelor, C. Steinbeck and S. Schulz
Ontological Dependence, Dispositions and Institutional Reality in Chemistry / C. Batchelor, J. Hastings and C. Steinbeck
Products and Functions
Toward an Ontology of Products / M. Vignolo
Characterizing Functions Based on Ontological Models from an Engineering Point of View / Y. Kitamura and R. Mizoguchi
Verification and Evaluation
Ontology Verification with Repositories / M. Grüninger, T. Hahmann, A. Hashemi and D. Ong
Evaluating Ontologies with NLP-Based Terminologies – A Case Study on ACGT and Its Master Ontology / G. Grigonyte, M. Brochhausen, L. Martín, M. Tsiknakis and J. Haller
Applications II
Towards a Formal Ontology for History of Church Administration / P. Garbacz, R. Trypuz, B. Szady, P. Kulicki, P. Gradzki and M. Lechniak
Using the cDnS Ontology as Upper-Level for a Scholarly Debate Ontology / N. Benn
Ontologies for Distributed Command and Control Messaging / D.N. Nguyen, J.B. Kopena, B. Thau Loo and W.C. Regli
Biomedical and Chemical Ontologies II
Realism for Scientific Ontologies / M. Dumontier and R. Hoehndorf
Dispositions and the Infectious Disease Ontology / A. Goldfain, B. Smith and L.G. Cowell
Segmenting and Merging Domain-Specific Ontology Modules for Clinical Informatics / C. Ogbuji, S. Arabandi, S. Zhang and G.-Q. Zhang