ECAI 2004 Conference Paper

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Time-Independent Rule-Based Guideline Induction

David Riaño

Whereas decision trees are widely studied in the context of knowledge representation and inductive learning, guidelines can be considered as an extension of decision trees that have not received the same amount of attention in the artificial intelligence community, even though they have been proved hightly useful in several decision support problems as the therapy process in health-care. This paper is about the formal definition of guidelines as a rule-based knowledge structure and also about the introduction of an incremental inductive learning algorithm to develop and update time-independent guidelines. These ideas have been applied to the modeling of clinical practice guidelines and tested with the health-care domain of heart diseases.

Keywords: Machine Learning, Knowledge Representation

Citation: David Riaño: Time-Independent Rule-Based Guideline Induction. In R.López de Mántaras and L.Saitta (eds.): ECAI2004, Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2004, pp.535-538.

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ECAI-2004 is organised by the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI) and hosted by the Universitat Politècnica de València on behalf of Asociación Española de Inteligencia Artificial (AEPIA) and Associació Catalana d'Intel-ligència Artificial (ACIA).