ECAI 2004 Conference Paper

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Consistency and Optimisation for Conditional Preferences

Nic Wilson

TCP-nets are an extension of CP-nets which allow the expression of conditional relative importance of pairs of variables. In this paper it is shown that a simple logic of conditional preferences can be used to express TCP-net orders, as well as being able to represent much stronger statements of importance than TCP-nets allow. The paper derives various sufficient conditions for a subset of the logical language to be consistent, and develops methods for finding a total order on outcomes which is consistent with the set of conditional preferences. This leads also to an approach to the problem of constrained optimisation.

Keywords: reasoning with preferences, qualitative reasoning

Citation: Nic Wilson: Consistency and Optimisation for Conditional Preferences. In R.López de Mántaras and L.Saitta (eds.): ECAI2004, Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2004, pp.888-892.

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ECAI-2004 is organised by the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI) and hosted by the Universitat Politècnica de València on behalf of Asociación Española de Inteligencia Artificial (AEPIA) and Associació Catalana d'Intel-ligència Artificial (ACIA).