JURIX 2014

JURIX 2014: The Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference

The JURIX conferences are an established international forum for academics, practitioners, government and industry to present and discuss advanced research at the interface between law and computer science. Subjects addressed in this book cover all aspects of this diverse field: theoretical – focused on a better understanding of argumentation, reasoning, norms and evidence; empirical – targeted at a more general understanding of law and legal texts in particular; and practical papers aimed at enabling a broader technical application of theoretical insights.

This book presents the proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems: JURIX 2014, held in Kraków, Poland, in December 2014. The book includes the 14 full papers, 8 short papers, 6 posters and 2 demos – the first time that poster submissions have been included in the proceedings.

The book will be of interest to all those whose work involves legal theory, argumentation and practice and who need a current overview of the ways in which current information technology is relevant to legal practice.

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Editor: Hoekstra, R.
Pub. date: December 2014
Pages: 220
Binding: hardcover
Volume 271 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
ISBN print: 978-1-61499-467-1
ISBN online: 978-1-61499-468-8

Databases and Information Systems VIII

Selected Papers from the Eleventh International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 2014

Databases and information systems are the backbone of modern information technology and are crucial to the IT systems which support all aspects of our everyday life; from government, education and healthcare, to business processes and the storage of our personal photos and archives.

This book presents 22 of the best revised papers accepted following stringent peer review for the 11th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems (Baltic DB&IS 2014), held in Tallinn, Estonia, in June 2014. The conference provided a forum for the exchange of scientific achievements between the research communities of the Baltic countries and the rest of the world in the area of databases and information systems, bringing together researchers, practitioners and Ph.D. students from many countries.

The subject areas covered at the conference focused on big data processing, data warehouses, data integration and services, data and knowledge management, e-government, as well as e-services and e-learning.

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Volume: 270 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Editors: Haav, H.-M., Kalja, A., Robal, T.
November 2014, 372 pp., hardcover
ISBN print: 978-1-61499-457-2
ISBN online: 978-1-61499-458-9
Price: €130 / US$189 / £111

Artificial Intelligence Research and Development

Artificial Intelligence Research and Development
Recent Advances and Applications

This book presents 34 original papers accepted for presentation at the 17th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (CCIA 2014), held in October 2014 in Barcelona, Spain.
The Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (ACIA), was created in 1994 as a non-profit association to promote cooperation among researchers from the Catalan-speaking artificial intelligence research community. Conferences are now held annually throughout the Catalan-speaking countries.

The papers in this volume have been organized around different topics, providing a representative sample of the current state-of-the-art in the Catalan artificial intelligence community and of the collaboration between ACIA members and the worldwide AI community.

The book will be of interest to all those working in the field of artificial intelligence.

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Volume: 269 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Editors: Museros, L. , Pujol, O., Agell, N.
October 2014, 308 pp., hardcover
ISBN print: 978-1-61499-451-0
ISBN online: 978-1-61499-452-7
Price: €108 / US$157 / £92

Human Language Technologies – The Baltic Perspective

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Baltic HLT 2014

In the modern information society, there is an ever-growing need for improved natural language processing and human language technologies.This book presents the proceedings of the Sixth International Conference 'Human Language Technologies – The Baltic Perspective' (Baltic HLT 2014) held in Kaunas, Lithuania in September 2014. The Baltic HLT conferences provide an important forum for gathering and consolidating ideas, and are an opportunity for the Baltic countries to present important research results to an international audience.

The book contains 39 long and short papers presented at the conference. These cover a wide range of topics: syntactic analysis, sentiment analysis, co-reference resolution, authorship attribution, information extraction, document clustering, machine translation, corpus and parallel corpus compiling, speech recognition, synthesis and others.

The book is divided into three main sections: speech technology, methods in computational linguistics, and preparation of language resources. This book will be of interest to anyone whose work involves the use and application of computational linguistics and related disciplines.

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Volume: 268 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Editors: Utka, A., Grigonytė, G. , Kapočiūtė-Dzikienė, J., Vaičenonienė, J.
September 2014, 276 pp., hardcover
ISBN print: 978-1-61499-441-1
ISBN online: 978-1-61499-442-8
Price: €120 / US$174 / £102

Formal Ontology in Information Systems

Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference (FOIS 2014)

Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS) is the flagship conference of the International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA). Its interdisciplinary research focus lies at the intersection of philosophical ontology, linguistics, logic, cognitive science, and computer science, as well as in the applications of ontological analysis to conceptual modeling, knowledge engineering, knowledge management, information-systems development, library and information science, scientific research, and semantic technologies in general.

As in previous years, FOIS 2014 was a nexus of interdisciplinary research and communication. The current proceedings is divided into four main sections, dealing with: foundations; processes, agency and dispositions; methods and tools; and applications. The last of these covers a broad spectrum of areas, including in particular biology and medicine, engineering, and economy. For the first time in its history, the conference hosted a special track: an ontology competition, the aim of which was to encourage authors to make their ontologies publicly available and to allow them to be evaluated according to a set of predetermined criteria. Papers discussing these ontologies can also be found in this volume.

The book will be of interest to all those whose work involves the application of ontologies, and who are looking for a current overview of developments in formal ontology.

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Volume: 267 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Editors: Garbacz, P., Kutz, O
September 2014, 456 pp., softcover
ISBN print: 978-1-61499-437-4
ISBN online: 978-1-61499-438-1
Price: €122 / US$176 / £104

Computational Models of Argument

Proceedings of COMMA 2014.

Argumentation, which has long been a topic of study in philosophy, has become a well-established aspect of computing science in the last 20 years.

This book presents the proceedings of the fifth conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA), held in Pitlochry, Scotland in September 2014. Work on argumentation is broad, but the COMMA community is distinguished by virtue of its focus on the computational and mathematical aspects of the subject. This focus aims to ensure that methods are sound – that they identify arguments that are correct in some sense – and provide an unambiguous specification for implementation; producing programs that reason in the correct way and building systems capable of natural argument or of recognizing argument.

The book contains 24 long papers and 18 short papers, and the 21 demonstrations presented at the conference are represented in the proceedings either by an extended abstract or by association with another paper.

The book will be of interest to all those whose work involves argumentation as it relates to artificial intelligence.

Volume: 266 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Editors: Parsons, S., Oren, N., Reed, C., Cerutti, F.
September 2014, 500pp., hardcover
ISBN print: 978-1-61499-435-0
ISBN online: 978-1-61499-436-7
Price: €145 / US$199 / £123

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New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques

SoMeT 2014

Proceedings of the Thirteenth SoMeT_14

Software is the essential enabling means for science and the new economy. It helps us to create a more reliable, flexible and robust society. But software often falls short of our expectations. Current methodologies, tools, and techniques remain expensive and are not yet sufficiently reliable, while many promising approaches have proved to be no more than case-by-case oriented methods.

This book contains extensively reviewed papers from the thirteenth International Conference on New Trends in software Methodology, Tools and Techniques (SoMeT_14), held in Langkawi, Malaysia, in September 2014. The conference provides an opportunity for scholars from the international research community to discuss and share research experiences of new software methodologies and techniques, and the contributions presented here address issues ranging from research practices and techniques and methodologies to proposing and reporting solutions for global world business. The emphasis has been on human-centric software methodologies, end-user development techniques and emotional reasoning, for an optimally harmonized performance between the design tool and the user. Topics covered include the handling of cognitive issues in software development to adapt it to the user's mental state and intelligent software design in software utilizing new aspects on conceptual ontology and semantics reflected on knowledge base system models.

This book provides an opportunity for the software science community to show where we are today and where the future may take us.

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Volume 265 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Editors: Fujita, H., Selamat, A., Haron, H.
September 2014, 1128 pp., hardcover
ISBN print: 978-1-61499-433-6
ISBN online: 978-1-61499-434-3

ECAI 2014

ECAI 2014

21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Proceedings of ECAI 2014. The role of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in fields as diverse as medicine, economics, linguistics, logical analysis and industry continues to grow in scope and importance. AI has become integral to the effective functioning of much of the technical infrastructure we all now take for granted as part of our daily lives.

This book presents the papers from the 21st biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI 2014, held in Prague, Czech Republic, in August 2014. The ECAI conference remains Europe's principal opportunity for researchers and practitioners of Artificial Intelligence to gather and to discuss the latest trends and challenges in all subfields of AI, as well as to demonstrate innovative applications and uses of advanced AI technology.

Included here are the 158 long papers and 94 short papers selected for presentation at the conference. Many of the papers cover the fields of knowledge representation, reasoning and logic as well as agent-based and multi-agent systems, machine learning, and data mining.

The proceedings of PAIS 2014 and the PAIS System Demonstrations are also included in this volume, which will be of interest to all those wishing to keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of AI.

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Volume 263 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Edited by: Schaub, T., Friedrich, G., O'Sullivan, B.
August 2014, 1264 pp., softcover
ISBN print: 978-1-61499-418-3
ISBN online: 978-1-61499-419-0
Price: US$340 / €235



Proceedings of the 7th European Starting AI Researcher Symposium

Artificial Intelligence is a field which continues to expand and develop rapidly, and so it is also one in which original ideas and fresh perspectives are of particular interest. The Starting AI Researcher Symposium (STAIRS) is an international meeting which supports Ph.D. students and those who have held a Ph.D. for less than one year, from all over the world, at the start of their career. The symposium offers doctoral students and young postdoctoral AI fellows the chance to experience delivering a presentation of their work in a supportive environment.

This book presents papers from the Seventh STAIRS, a satellite event of the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) held in Prague, Czech Republic, in August 2014. The book includes 30 papers accepted for presentation at the conference, out of 45 submissions. 16 papers were selected for an oral presentation at the symposium, while the other 14 were presented at a poster session. Together these papers cover the field of AI; knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learning, planning and scheduling being the areas which have attracted the largest number of submissions.

The book provides a fascinating preview of the current work of future AI researchers, and will be of interest to all those whose work involves the use of artificial intelligence and intelligent systems.

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Volume 264 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Edited by: Endriss, U., Leite, J.
August 2014, 316 pp., hardcover
ISBN print: 978-1-61499-420-6
ISBN online: 978-1-61499-421-3
Price: US$174 / €120

Smart Digital Futures 2014

Smart Digital Futures 2014

The interdisciplinary field of smart digital systems is crucial to modern computer science, encompassing artificial intelligence, information systems and engineering. For over a decade, the mission of KES International has been to provide publication opportunities for all those who work in knowledge intensive subjects. The conferences they run worldwide are aimed at facilitating the dissemination, transfer, sharing and brokerage of knowledge in a number of leading edge technologies.

This book presents some 80 papers selected after peer review for inclusion in three KES conferences, held as part of the Smart Digital Futures 2014 (SDF-14) multi-theme conference in Chania, Greece, in June 2014. The three conferences are: Intelligent Decision Technologies (KES-IDT-14), Intelligence Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services (KES-IIMSS-14), and Smart Technology-based Education and Training (KES-STET-14).

The book will be of interest to all those whose work involves the development and application of intelligent digital systems.

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Volume 262 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Edited by: Neves-Silva, R., Tsihrintzis, G.A., Uskov, V., Howlett, R.J., Jain, L.C.
June 2014, 808 pp., hardcover
ISBN print: 978-1-61499-404-6
ISBN online: 978-1-61499-405-3
Price: US$268 / €185


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