The technologies applied in design studies vary from basic theories to more application-based systems. Intelligence engineering also plays a significant role in design sciences such as computer-aided industrial design, human factor design, and greenhouse design, and intelligent engineering technologies such as computational technologies, sensing technologies, and video detection encompass both theory and application perspectives. Being multidisciplinary in nature, intelligence engineering promotes cooperation, exchange and discussion between organizations and researchers from diverse fields.
This book presents the proceedings of DSIE 2022, the International Symposium on Design Studies and Intelligence Engineering, held in Hangzhou, China, on 29 & 30 October 2022. This annual conference proves a platform for professionals and researchers from industry and academia to exchange and discuss recent advances in the field of design studies and intelligence engineering, inviting renowned experts from around the world to speak on their specialist topics, and allowing for in-depth discussion with presenters. The 189 submissions received were each carefully reviewed by 3 or 4 referees, and the 62 papers accepted for presentation and publication were selected based on their scores. Papers cover a very wide range of topics, from the design of a bachelor apartment, or a children’s backpack for healthy spine development, to interpretable neural symbol learning methods and design elements extraction from point-cloud datasets using deep enhancement learning.
Offering a varied overview of recent developments in design and intelligence engineering, this book will be of interest to all those working in the field.
Editors: Jain, L.C., Balas, V.E., Wu, Q., Shi, F.
Pages: 666
Binding: softcover
Volume 365 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
ISBN print: 978-1-64368-372-0
ISBN online: 978-1-64368-373-7